Thursday 28 February 2013

Bagaimana cara menginstall Tryton

Dokumentasi cara instalasi Tryton bisa di lihat di:

Selamat mencoba!!!


Install Tryton

There are three easy options to install Tryton:
  • Install the version provided by your operating system distribution. This is the quickest and recommended option for those who has operating system that distributes Tryton.
  • Install an official release. Once you’ve downloaded and unpacked a trytond source release, enter the directory where the archive was unpacked, and run: python install
    For advanced options, please refer to the easy_install and/or the distutils documentation:
  • Without installation, just run bin/trytond from where the archive was unpacked.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

GNU Health 1.8

GNU Health 1.8 sudah keluar. Untuk versi 1.8 ini sudah support Android, jadi bisa diakses lewat perangkat Android.

Dikutip dari
(pada tanggal 27 Pebruari 2013, jam 14.00 PM).


GNU Health jalan di atas Tryton. Jadi untuk menginstall GNU Health harus terlebih dahulu menginstall Tryton. Tryton merupakan aplikasi ERP berbasis Phyton dan PostgreSQL.
Informasi lengkap tentang Tryton bisa kunjungi di websitenya